Our curated community helps you connect and collaborate with thought leaders, changemakers, and industry experts.

4500+ Members 150+ Startups 16 Partners 70+ Nationalities 2 Locations
 Spaces, events, programs and partnerships to build the next generation of tech businesses.
 Spaces, events, programs and partnerships to build the next generation of tech businesses.
 Spaces, events, programs and partnerships to build the next generation of tech businesses.
 Our Network
 Our Network
 Our Network

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“It's an ecosystem that enables us to grow faster, and test things when we need to test them.”
Diane Delava, Co-Founder
“Having been an individual member, I knew I needed to bring my whole team here - the community is vibrant, there's so much going on.”
Lubomila Jordanova, Founder & CEO
Plan A
Kirsten Henscke: Principal NewSchool Partner
“We continuously are able to find experts and tutors from the Factory Berlin community. Our Talents also have the possibility of interning for different businesses throughout Factory Berlin. The relationship goes both ways.”
Kirsten Henschke, Principal
“Factory Berlin for us provides the perfect possibility to meet interesting personalities in an amazing atmosphere, to learn and mutually benefit from each other.”
Matthias Brendel, Head of Audi Denkwerkstatt Berlin

Become part of our curated professional network and gain access to industry events, tailored programs, and versatile spaces in Berlin and Hamburg.

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